Monday 18 November 2013

It's about time

It's about time

October greetings with the scent of the now blooming
Jacaranda trees. A gush of wind my only companion.
I let the water and pain and sorrow consume me and hide me
from the rest of the world. I submerge my pain under everyone
else's so that I almost become numb to it.
But what happens when they don't let me take on their world,
what happens when they don't let me carry their burden...
What happens when mine cannot be covered anymore,
when they come back and I feel the tears again.
I will try
hold my head up high, but cry myself to sleep,
I would try to hold it all together, but fall apart.
I can keep a smile on my face, but crack inside,
I could be happy, but can't let myself be.
It's about time I broke down my walls,
it's about time I opened my eyes,
it's about time I see that I am happy,
I just don't let it affect me. But now, I'm ecstatic.
I am filled with so much joy that I can't help but try to
spread it everywhere. Where my cup overflows I want
it to fill everybody else's.

Thursday 7 March 2013

broken hearted love

To compare thee to a summer's day, as warm and kind
your beauty so bright they say love is blind.

even though you broke my heart,
 you'll never fade from my sight
like a dove takes off in the morning light

a white lily burnt from sadness,
 raining down from my heart
we knew this love would end,
 right from the start.

Co-written by Earvin Beukes
St. Paul's college, Windhoek, Namibia
Gr . 8D

Friday 22 February 2013

Sweet singing crow

The sun has gone down the stars are out,
the sweet singing crow sends me to sleep.
He dances on my grave and tramples my heart
till my soul is dead, my body his to keep,
tears of silver, tears of gold
sweetly singing my tears run cold.
I will a puppet be to his cold empty hand
twisting, wringing, sucking dry till I cant stand.
Pain, so loud and shouting and screaming,
till morning bitter dove's song wakes me from my dreaming.

Why does life hate me???

Thursday 24 January 2013

The perfect way to break your own heart

Have you ever really liked someone and just sat there hoping that they liked you back?
Well I have a problem far worse than that... I really like someone and I feel that they might like me too...We are same-same but different. They are leaving and my heart is already broken with the thought of losing them but I can't expect them to drop their whole life for me...I know that they have to leave, it's the way life I have to work at getting over them now before I corrupt them with my sadness and darkness, they have to be able to leave without having to look back.. So I'm working on something that could completely kill my soul, but I think I have to. And who knows maybe they never liked me anyway...but at least I can look at them and say they were one of the very best things that happened to me...

Wednesday 9 January 2013 world

Have you ever felt like it's the whole world against just you??? I look around and realize I'm the only one who actually notices how I am drowning. I'm so deep down, I can barely breathe and no-one will look closely enough underneath the surface to save me. I find myself paralyzed... every single muscle or bone in my body is fighting to resurface me but my heart is sinking me further and further down. most of my family and friends are on the other side of the surface making sure I don't make it back to the top without even knowing it. I'm reaching out to try and tell them but I seem to be the distant splashing of the waves crashing to them. My vision on my reasons to live becomes more of a blur with each painful moment of my existence. I'm not trusted, I'm too annoying, I'm too weird, demented... I'm everything evil and twisted and dark and ugly they can think of...Bullies may come or go but that pain lasts forever digging someone's grave more every time.... If  you are one of the few that can hear me....


Don't stop at the surface...always dig a little deeper, dive a little further
I know what pain it could save....